Open Menu By Proxy 2024 iCloud Remove & iPhones XR, XS.XS MAX HFZ Team (by UDID)


Open Menu By Proxy 2024 iCloud Removal FMI-OFF All iPads  (2024)

( GAME CENTER MUST TURN ON-OFF-ON ) iOS 12.x and lower ( iOS18 and up now work )

IPADS ONLY - UDID Registration 

HOW to check if the device is compatible ( please read all the below instructions before placing the order ) 

* Connect the device to WI-FI 

1. Device should be under Trusted list and Apple ID's Storage should be load ( Settings > scroll up > press on user NAME > Scroll down and see if the device is in trusted list then > scroll up > press icloud and check if the stroage loads or not

2. Game center on and off must work. ( when turning the game center on and off there should be a little delay, if there isnt one, it means the game center is not setup ) 

  how to setup game ceter ? 

      - goto Settings > Scroll down > press on Game Center > Setup gamecenter ( and again check if the Game Center on and off works ) 

3. Before placing the order, DO a full settings RESET ( PLEASE FOLLOW THE GUIDE ) 

( settings > General > scroll down > Transfer or Reset iPhone > Reset > Reset All Settings ). if this ask for face ID or passcode, open menu method MIGHT not work for you. 

4. When you placing the order, always make sure to place the order using UDID ( copy from HFZ tool ) 

5. Always make sure to press on game center switch 5-6 times before process. ( settings > scroll up > User ID > iCloud > Apps Using iCloud > show all > Game center )  

6. Turn off WiFi, remove sim before start the process 

7. BAD password issue how to solve? 

 - ( press on Reset password button on the tool ) what if it asking for old pass?, ir means device backup is encrypted and open menu methord will not work for you.

Enjoy Permanent Unlock Done 



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